Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Look

I'm pretty most people are familiar with the look I want to talk about. It's that look full of hatred from a stranger. Someone who usually does not know your name, or your likes, or your family, or what you want to be when you're older, or what makes you cry during movies, or what kind of songs make you sing along, or why you smile when you see a certain picture, or why you're you.

The other day, I was sitting in a public space with my girlfriend (Susan). Our kind of Public Display of Affection (PDA) is leaning into each other when we're sitting beside the other, nothing else. We're not overly clingy or anything like that and still, this man we'd never seen before walked by us and he stared to blatantly at us that I felt uncomfortable. Not only did he stare at us as if we'd fallen from the sky, he also grimaced and muttered something under his breath.

Susan comes from a wholesome family, and she's very comfortable with herself but I am pretty much the opposite. I don't usually care what others think, but this stranger managed to rile me up. This man made me feel as if I were dirty, disgusting, or doing something inappropriate. 

The look on his face made me tear up. Susan patted me and told me not to pay attention to him, but she does not understand. When I got home, I cried on my mother's lap because this stranger had given me a look of such pure hatred  because I was sitting with my sweetie. We were doing nothing wrong, and yet we get to experience this negativity. I don't know if I want to know what he muttered under his breath or not.

Regardless, it bothers me how ignorant some people are. They make such negative comments because they have no familiar face to tag when they say these things. I'm sure that if a son/daughter, nephew/niece, brother/sister came out to them as part of the LGBT+ community, they would think twice before saying/ doing the awful things they do. That's my rant for today.

Good vibes to all.

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